Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Task 2 Flash Report

Flash 700 word report

Flash is a useful tool for those wanting to try working their way into animations or game creation, purely down to its user friendly interface, and its simple to use techniques, granted flash can be complicated but once you get your head round it it can be quite simple. 
Flash consists of various features which enable the user to create efficiently and effectively, onion skinning for example helps users who prefer a slower and effectively accurate approach to animation, which lets them see the previous frames drawing so they can accurately draw the following frame, if the user is doing frame by frame animation.
Flash also consists of several abilities and options which enable an easy approach to animation, take for example the tweening abilities, for which you have 3 different types of tweens which are capable of creating different types of animations. Shape tweens are capable of creating a different approach to animation, which allows you to transform shapes and objects in a more fluid approach. Flash is also a very useful tool for creating vector images, which can effectively turn real life images into a more cartoon appearance, which is extremely useful for creating cartoon like appearances and animations. Flash has many tutorials you can follow on YouTube which allow you to get step by step guides on how to create the very many alternative creations that flash can give you. Flash also consists of having code snippets which are little bits of code you can add into your actions box to create different ways of making and playing a game. Flash’s coding language is quite different to that of say C which focuses more in using individual letters and numbers to create variations rather than action script 3 which use mathematical sentences instead to create animated or optional outcomes. There are many different ways of creating animations, one of which you can use onion skinning and frame by frame animations. Frame by frame animations let you create drawings and move them ever so slightly to create an animated drawing, onion skinning is a very useful tool for using this mechanic because it enables you to see what your previous frame’s drawing was, while creating your next frame which can be very useful for creating very accurate drawings.
Other interesting points about flash is it’s ability to immediately export into android and IOS, as these mechanics are built into the program, you do not need to download the plugins, unfortunately it blackberry and windows mobile are unsupported, as well as MAC which requires the plug-ins to be downloaded to export into those operating systems. While creating games for IOS and Android, you have to try and ensure that you are visualizing playing the game on IOS or Android, because the operating systems support tilt, which allows you to move the game objects by tilting either tablet or phone, or even having buttons on the side of the game so you can add fire buttons or power up buttons etc. to add to the complexity of the game. Another advantage to flash is its user interface is much tidier than most other game builders due to their complexity, although that’s not necessarily a bad thing for other game builders as if you have the time to understand it, you have access to much better options and abilities that you wouldn’t normally have in flash. Flash is limited to its art tools and coding in action script, which doesn’t allow too many options, but this at the same time is able to create a much more user friendly interface. Regardless with what tools is possesses it still remains as one of the most used tools to date to create web animations, advertisements, even games and cartoons alike, as any program it retains time consumption so normally you’ll have teams of people working on lengthy projects like cartoons.
Generally all round it retains its ability to be one of the most used tools in the games and animation industry, with its ability to create swift and smooth animation, or even turn images into vector based graphics, it benefits any aspiring animator or graphic’s designer and game designer. Flash will be used for the years ahead, still competing against the technology that challenges it.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Task 4

We're now taking screenshots of the game we are creating....