Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Task 5

Beta testing reviews

Lewis Wain
Beta testing 
I really like your game and the explosions look good. One problem I did find with your game that it was lagging a little on my tablet due to the complex graphics. 
I like the name of your game as it is unique and the icon stands out. The game icon is bright but as it an icon I cant really see it well.

Bradley Sedgeman

I found this game to be rather interesting with the attention to detail that was placed in the game. The fire buttons where well thought of and successful for the game type, unfortunately the game's detail became it's downfall as well,  the enemies where straying off screen into a blind spot that couldn't be shot at, ending in the player's demise. Although these minor faults did stop the game from being at the peak of player interaction and enjoyment, overall it was a good idea and the good graphics/game play gave intense/enjoyable game play.

Overall Game Rating 6/10

Corey Reading
Beta testing
I found your game very interesting. I liked the click to shoot buttons, I also liked the mute button so you could turn the music off. The graphics for the enemies could have been a little better because I wasn't 100% sure what they were.

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